Miclean Tax Service and staff is proud to partnering with local and international communities! Below are a list of a few community partnerships Miclean Tax Service supports.
Malawi Children’s Mission
Providing 50 solar lanterns to the MCM children
In 2012 Miclean Tax Service supported Malawi Children’s Mission by providing 50 solar lanterns to the MCM children. Malawi Children’s Mission is changing the lives of orphans in Malawi, Africa by providing nutrition, education, healthcare and emotional support. Children often can’t keep up at school because they don’t have enough light to do their homework at night. These lanterns allow the children to study in the evening. To learn more about the work of Malawi Children’s Mission, visit their website at
Local Schools
Miclean Tax Service is giving back to the local schools both financially and with our time. Through beautification days, providing supplies through an “adopt a teacher” program, and bringing art to the classroom the employees at Miclean Tax are believing in a bright future for Redwood City students.